wao...y tis month so busy de~
con't rest ant mor..
the most fucking blue come 2 Ma hwa library..with his stupid fren~
hw dare they say loudly in the library~
chat with his fren all abt me~
there 2 sae me~guai lan~
son of bitch!
if u cn fing the "LAN" on my body then u come n "GUAI"
tam ma de!
gek se de!
dun hav any kuasa in the school n dun try 2 make me angry!
dun think u cn scold my school as Sekolah Bestari 2 Sekolah Babi!
ur sch??
Sekolah S = Sekolah son of bitch!!
noob arh!
so angry yesterday!
if killing ppl is nt including in the law i will b the first killing the blu pig!
do u know? i m a human! i need oxygen!
u r only such a pig! go away lar!wasting oxygen!
pig is 4 eat de..so no need oxygen ok?
u will hav all ur best reward in ur life-gt many problem in ur relationship,
cannot find ur true love in ur life time, die in the time as soon as posible,
fail all the subject in all the exam, cannot do anything well in all ur life time!
sae my school is sekolah babi again lar!
n ya ~
who ever know me pls add my frenster account~dun noe me also can go n add
i hav already change~ the previous 1 i dun use already~
nw i hav 2 acc..
pls add if u r free~
n oso sory 4 in tis article gt many "cu hua"
pls forgive me~
- Feb 25 Mon 2008 08:37
sorry 4 so late dun giv nw article le~