
kind a like this type of words recently.

damnit. i was influenced by all of the ICOM ppl~

F*** Dammit, what the hell, what the shit, screw you, neh!!

omg all is harsh words XDD

is funny recently, started to know everyone in ICOM edi~~

and also , my school is so small, of course we will know anyone in there~~

i admit that i like ahkeaw's class, really, although she is classically trained and have her phd just 26 years old.

n i knew someone look like LMFAO one!!! the Luk!!

damn nice drummer.

and Carel!! The coolest violinist that i've met!!

He is so niceceeeeeeee~~ n i like him so much!! XDD

well he is in sem4 now n going to UK or america edi~~

wishing a nice future for you dude!! YOU ARE SO COOL!!!

Of course my Herman also XDD

alright, he is not MINE i mean, just that i like him so muchXD

i can see some pattern that look like YOU in him.


but he is really nice, although he is indian and christian.@@

He is a bassist! i like bass because is cool>!! and i cannot do tat actually~

seriously i dun like R**** much.

because of the virgin's story probably?


of course my "new Dad" again XDD

walter container!! he is damn awesome larrrrh

i cannot imagine he rock so much.

Okay i really call anybody anything in random@@

SO what?? that's meXDD

now i miss you again.
i dun feel like telling you any single of words.
i knw you r trying so hard to forget me.
and that's why i dun wan to disturb you.
i try to be foolish in my school.
be happy always.
because i dun wish anyone knw that i was missing of someone that is impossible.
ALTHOUGH i was jamming with all those guys,  but,,

do you know??
i dun wish to involve in anyone in this time.
Is bad.
they wont accept that YOU r still inside my heart.
i was trying to find someone like you.
or even better, more suit for me.


anyway, i dun wan to try to do any "LOVE IN RELATIONSHIP" in ICOM.

i wan to be FREE!!! =)

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