我给我自己 发了这张好人卡,我还真是....


the only this that matter is.. after 1nhalf yrs what?


Cannot long distance?


Can..Not..Umm..I had  done long distance ad it didnt work. and umm relationship i dont want... i have seen that it affects everything, most of it is work.  So many examples, Dont u think?


Yea true, But im happy with what i have now actually, Doesnt matter we r together or not..


You are happy? Ok :) good then.


Err Cause i dun really care do i have a name as your girlfriend or not, what i care is more about what i have haha.


Cool. thumbs up.


but u like me or not, tell me.


Ya, not as a girlfriend, but, ya, u r good. like more than others.  Does it answer? haha


Ok it does, Haha, Thanks :D

You knw like, abby always ask me what if im not with you then how and what m i suppose to do.

like hold hands, kiss, hug, dating and stuff.


Umm i dont know, its so stressful, i think im not made for relationships yet. I'll make a wall in between my bed if you want. hahaha


Walaoo, dun have to do that lah, i wanna see ur pig face before i sleep for that week ok, hahaha, i can wait.


ok:P my face is cute not like pig, pig=haram


yea cute, cute like pig =P




eh u dun have to stress about it lah, if it will happen then it will, when u r ready then u'll know, i still like u tho, until u get a girlfriend haha, 


Yea im not thinking about it. Ya i'll get a gf after my masters.  Oh and its totally cool if you like any other guy coz even u have a life, i know i dont have a life so yeah..


Hahahaha, its hard for me to like another guy when im still deeply like you okay.. i'll see lah if got someone who are like u.  But if not then until u got ur girl girl then u tell me. But if u still wan me after ur masters n im still available then ok :P


Okay :) so its all cool btwn us right? Phew..HAHAHAHA okayy =)




i claarify that cause like u will misunderstood as i have ab n walter n kiim n rupak n u n whoever in my life now n that's enough, but i was trying to say the situation now between me n u.


yaya i thought that only, chill =)
















    大山 pig

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