so fast!!
2dae is 2008 oledi...

bt tis is also a new starting point..
n also is the last time of meet ahhpeg n yi hui on tuesday ..
hahaz....nt fun 2dae...
yi hui n ahhpeg 2 very "jian tan"
ahhpeg boleh jadi Mrs Lim le....(kiddin)

mayb i also cn c them...
bt juz a short time...
also cn la..
juz a bit "she bu de" lor....

hup every thing cn b fine....

i also hup all my fren...my real fren...cn b happi n the new year___2008
n 2 dae...

i also go 2 sch. "bao dao"
i still in the last class.....

juz then.....
i saw a person....
tht i hav oledi hav a long time dun c him le....
when i c him......i still hav a bit of feelin on him....
bt.....i juz c his back....
i din c his face...

bt 4 me...
tis is enough....
i think tht he cn find a real happiness by himself...
so.... gt a word say:..."fang qi ye shi yi zhong xing fu//

from the sence i c him...
i fell happi...
b cauz....
he is oledi change...
different from b4...

thanks Y..
u let me know mor...
althought i dun stay 2gether with u....
bt ur previous care...
i will rmb it alwayz....
never let it go from my mind....

    Viann薇薇安 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()