ms;">Officially Missing You.
of course, is not the original one.
But is nice, by them.
As i realize that they are talented,
they have the angle voice.
Anyway better than me.
My voice is just like cannot UP and also cannot DOWN.
can i kill myself?==
Must listen it, it's really nice ^.^
Gosh, i must write it out..
Yesterday, i don't know what had I eaten before,
I vomited==
But, i din go to visit the doctor,
As my mum said just rest more..==
Well, recovering now, but still not feeling so well..@@
I think that, i'm almost a long time din go to school already==
2 weeks? 3weeks?
i don't know either==
Oh i miss Crocodile~~
I miss Shood , as she always call me Vivi==
quite cute actually, kakaz~
As i know there will be less of you will visit my blog,
i'm trying to write more and more thing as i can.
BUT, it's a difficult mission for me== up to you all right..
Feeling hungry now~~
I go to have my breakfast now ^.^
See you all next time~-~
- Oct 28 Wed 2009 10:24