I like this phone so much..
I wish to CHANGE my W810i to this !!
although the W810i is also nice lah...
But... But...

Crumble down+ing..==

If i have a husband now,
i will really force him to buy one for me.
He will paid it of course, not me.^.^

Actually, don't ask me why i translate to English recently,

I also don't know why actually==

i want W705!!! T.T

Who wish to be my husband a day?
after you buy me the phone then i will throw you away ^.^

don't Try to beat me up==
Last night, I'm suffering for sleeplessness.

I turned around and made myself upside down,
or even walked up and down until my dear mummy complained me,
about the voices that i had make yesterday night==

Then finally, i feel sleepy==
If not mistaken,
The time is about 1140pm@@

and now i still wake up so EARLY in the MORNING==

aiyaya..The SLEEP GOD of mine wants me to have a tea with him now~~
So, i think he is going to give me the SE W705 XD
Oh Yeah~~
Good morning everybody~~~
As for me, Good night!^.^

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